1 One is our God and Father!
The flock and all its shepherds cry;
One Spirit us doth gather,
One is our Lord, who reigns on high;
One well of life doth lave us,
One hope our souls inspires,
One faith, our stay, doth save us,
One love us ever fires,
One peace our spirits blesses,
One fight for our reward,
One end of all distresses,
One life in Christ our Lord.
2 One in the Spirit's union,
We onward march, a pilgrim throng,
And sing in sweet communion
The ransomed Zion's victor-song;
Through night and tribulation,
Through death our way we wend,
With hope and expectation
To see our journey's end--
The cross, the grave, death's prison,
We leave behind, and rise
To meet our Savior risen,
And enter Paradise.