1 Lift the voice in holy song,
Awake, ye saints who love the Lord;
Gather now in happy throng,
And praise his name with one accord;
Ye who know the great salvation,
Sing the triumphs of his grace
And with highest adoration,
Come before Jehovah’s face.
Praise the Lord, ye sons of light;
Praise the Lord, ye heav’nly host;
Praise the Lord for all his mighty acts
In all the places of his wide dominion;
Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost.
2 Crowd his courts with lofty praise,
And sing the works that he hath done;
Songs of love and honor raise
To Christ the Lord, the equal Son;
Shout aloud, ye souls in glory;
Swell the song, ye saints below;
Till the heav’ns shall tell the story,
And the earth the strain shall know [Chorus]