1 Take me, O my Father, take me!
Take me, save me, through thy Son;
That which thou wouldst have me, make me
Let thy will in me be done.
Long from thee my footsteps straying,
Thorny proved the way I trod;
Weary come I new, and praying--
Take me to thy love, my God!
2 Fruitless years with grief recalling,
Humbly I confess my sin;
At thy feet, O Father, falling,
To thy household take me in.
Freely now to thee I proffer
This relenting heart of mine;
Freely life and soul I offer--
Gift unworthy love like thine.
3 Once the world's Redeemer, dying,
Bare our sins upon the tree;
On that sacrifice relying,
Now I look in hope to thee;
Father, take me! all forgiving,
Fold me to thy loving breast;
In thy love for ever living,
I must be for ever blest!