1 Go, Christian lab'rer, sow thy seed,
The Master bids thee go;
Be faithful still in word and deed,
Beside all waters sow;
Press on! glad fruits shall fill thy path,
Which time cannot destroy,
For they that sow in tears of faith,
Shall reap in present joy,
For they that sow in tears of faith,
Shall reap in present joy.
2 Thou humble worker for the Lord,
Thou tearful, hopeful one.
Each day shall bring its sweet reward,
The psalm of peace, 'Well done.'
Press on! still higher good shall ope
To thee in blest employ;
For they that sow in tears of hope,
Shall reap increasing joy,
For they that sow in tears of hope,
Shall reap increasing joy.
3 O loving toiler in God's field,
Soon thou must cease to sow,
But thou shalt have a glorious yield,
For all thy work below;
Press on! look up! thy house above
Hath bliss without alloy;
For they that sow in tears of love,
Shall reap in heav'nly joy,
For they that sow in tears of love,
Shall reap in heav'nly joy.