1 O come to the fountain of mercy and love,
Whose pure healing water so gently doth move;
It flows from the Saviour’s side plenteous and free;
O come, guilty sinner, ‘tis flowing for thee.
Flowing for thee, Flowing for thee;
O come, guilty sinner, ‘tis flowing for thee.
2 Come hither, sad mourner, by sorrow oppress'd,
Draw nigh to this fountain, and you shall find rest;
O trust in the Saviour, whose love flows so free;
Come hither, sad mourner, ‘tis flowing for thee.
Flowing for thee, Flowing for thee;
Come hither, sad mourner, ‘tis flowing for thee.
3 Come, weary and laden with trouble of heart,
O come to the fountain, come just as thou art;
Drink deep of its waters, refreshing and free;
Partake of its fulness, ‘tis flowing for thee.
Flowing for thee, Flowing for thee;
Partake of its fulness, ‘tis flowing for thee.