1 With joy Thine earthly courts we tread,
And here we worship Thee,
Who left the regions of the dead
For immortality;
Our thankful voices here we raise
To Him who reigns above;
We bring the tribute of our praise
For Thy redeeming love.
2 To Thee, O Lord, we join in prayer,
To Thee we raise our song;
We hear the precepts of Thy word,
Where all Thy people throng;
In the dear name of Christ our King,
We to the Father pray;
Contrite and broken hearts we bring,
On this most holy day.
3 Lord, meet us in this holy place,
Thy dwelling here below;
Refresh us with Thy richest grace,
And set our hearts aglow—
Aglow with sweet and fervent love
For all Thy goodness shown;
And raise us from this lower world
To Thy celestial throne.