1 When the hearts we fondly cherish,
From our home are far away,
For the absent ones returning,
How we long, and watch, and pray;
How we look to see them coming,
When the moon is on the hill;
And the lonely star of midnight
Finds us watching, praying still.
2 Yes, we look for their returning,
Till our aching eyes grow dim;
But the Master too is coming;
Are we watching now for Him?
O the sleepless, anxious moments
That for others oft we spend,
Tho' we fail to heed the counsel
Of our kindest, dearest Friend.
3 Place the watch lamp in the window,
Let its rays burn bright and clear,
Lest the Bridegroom should surprise us,
For His coming may be near;
“Watch, and be ye also ready.”
Were His parting words to all;
He may come at early dawning,
Or when evening shadows fall.