1 Come, let us sing of Jesus,
The source of life and light,
The meek and lowly Saviour,
The Lord of power and might;
He left His home in glory,
And came on earth below;
O strange and wondrous story!
Because He loved us so.
O precious, loving Jesus!
Our load of sin He bore;
His life He gave to save us;
We’ll praise Him evermore.
2 Come, let us ask of Jesus
To take away our sin;
Let every heart be open,
That He may enter in;
For if we will but trust him,
And live by faith and prayer,
The blessed Lord will guide us
All through this world of care. [Refrain]
3 Come, let us walk with Jesus,
And know that He is near;
Within His gracious presence,
We have no cause for fear;
There is no friend like Jesus,
No other loves us so;
His grace will bless and save us,
Wherever we may go. [Refrain]