1 Children, listen to the Sabbath bells:
O what charm in holy music dwells!
From the steeples slowly swinging,
Peace and gladness bringing,
Till the heart with rapture swells.
And our voices blend in singing
To their joyful ringing:
Oh, we love the Sabbath bells.
2 Children, listen to the Sabbath bells:
On the mellow air the music swells
In a sweet and joyful chorus
Gladly pealing o’er us;
Of a Savior’s love it tells;
And we hail their notes with gladness,
For they banish sadness:
Oh, we love the Sabbath bells.
3 Children, listen to the Sabbath bells:
Of a Savior’s love their music tells;
Chiming out the sweet old story
Of the King of glory,
Jesus who in heaven dwells.
While His praises glad we’re singing
Sweet their chimes are ringing:
Oh, we love the Sabbath bells.