1 Blest Savior, faith’s celestial star,
Guide of the wand’rer here below,
Thrown on life’s surge we claim Thy care;
Save us from peril, save from woe.
O gentle Jesus, mild and meek,
Thy promised aid Thy children seek;
Our hopeless debt Thyself hast paid,
And on Thy head our sins were laid.
O blessed Christ, Lord of the sea,
Guide Thou the wand’rer, guide Thou me;
O blessed Christ, Lord of the sea,
Guide Thou the wand’rer, guide Thou me;
2 Far out upon life’s stormy sea,
Lord of the deep! we look to Thee;
Thou art a refuge ever nigh,
To Thee for help Thy children cry.
On Thee our sorrows all were laid;
Our pray’rs ascend to heav’n thro’ Thee;
Remind Thy Father thou hast paid
The price of our iniquity. [Chorus]