Text: | David, and all his anxious care |
Composer: | Ralph Harrison, 1748-1810 |
Harmonizer: | David Evans, 1874-1948 |
1 David, and all his anxious care,
do thou, O Lord, remember now;
how he unto the Lord did swear,
to Jacob’s Mighty One did vow:
3 Into my house I will not go,
nor will I on my bed repose;
sleep to mine eyes I will not know,
slumber shall not mine eyelids close.
3 Till I a place find for the Lord,
a house for Jacob's Strong One build.
Of it at Ephratah we heard,
we found it in the forest-field.
4 We'll go into his courts, and bow
before the footstool of his grace.
Arise, thine ark of strength, and thou,
O Lord, into thy resting-place.
5 O let thy priests with righteousness;
and let thy saints glad shoutings make;
avert not thine anointed's face,
for thine own servant David's sake.
6 The Lord hath unto David sworn
in truth, he will not turn from it,
I of the sons unto thee born
will make upon thy throne to sit.
7 If they my covenant will obey,
and testimonies I make known,
their children I will bless, and they
shall sit for ever on thy throne.
8 The Lord hath chosen Zion hill;
for there he hath desired to dwell.
This is my rest, and here I will
abide; for I do like it well.
9 I'll her provision richly bless;
with bread her poor I'll satisfy:
her priests I'll clothe with righteousness;
her saints shall shout aloud for joy.
10 To bud I'll there make David's horn,
and for my king a lamp I'll trim;
his enemies I'll clothe with scorn,
but flourish shall his crown on him.
Text Information | |
First Line: | David, and all his anxious care |
Meter: | LM |
Language: | English |
Publication Date: | 2004 |
Scripture: |
Tune Information | |
Composer: | Ralph Harrison, 1748-1810 |
Harmonizer: | David Evans, 1874-1948 |
Meter: | LM |
Key: | B♭ Major |
Source: | Sacred Harmony, 1784 |