1 O thou my GOD, who from thy throne supreme,
Art mindful of the penitential tear,
Kindly dispersing, with thy mercy's beam,
The gath'ring clouds of darkness and despair;
Lord, lend thine ear! O hear a sinner's cry!
And save a wretch thy law condemns to die!
2 Long has thy gospel sounded in mine ears,
And once I tho't I made thy ways my choice;
But now, alas! o'erwhelm'd with gloomy fears,
I scarce can hear my heav'nly shepherd's voice;
Oh shine again! revive my drooping heart!
Subdue my foes, and bid my fears depart!
3 Entangles with the world's delusive charms,
Mine enemies against my soul prevail;
Prevail to thrust me, wretched, from thine arms,
Whilst guilt and unbelief my hope assail.
O GOD, my GOD, display thy guardian cure,
Nor let me fall a victim to despair!
4 Does not thy promise bid me rest secure?
And can I trust thy faithfulness in vain?
Shall not thy truth from age to age endure?
And wilt thou not thy people's cause maintain?
Then shine again, my fainting soul restore,
And hold me with thy hand to fall no more!
Text Information | |
First Line: | O thou, my God, who from thy throne supreme |
Title: | The Backslider's Return |
Meter: | Tens |
Language: | English |
Publication Date: | 1799 |
Topic: | Backslider: his return |
Notes: | Now Public Domain. |