243. Sinners! the voice of God regard

1 Sinners! the Voice of God regard:
'Tis mercy speaks to-day;
He calls you by his gracious word
From sin's destructive way.

2 Like the rough sea that cannot rest,
You live devoid of peace;
A thousand Stings within your breast
Deprive your souls of ease.

3 Your way is dark, and leads to hell:
Why will you persevere?
Can you in frightful torments dwell,
Shut up in black despair?

4 Bow to the sceptre of his word,
Renouncing ev'ry sin;
Submit to him your sov'reign Lord,
And learn his will divine.

Text Information
First Line: Sinners! the voice of God regard
Meter: C. M.
Publication Date: 1828
Topic: Holy Spirit: The certaintiy of death and Judgment; The misery and danger of Sinners
Tune Information
(No tune information)

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