494. What are these in bright array

1 What are these in bright array,
This innumerable throng,
Round the altar night and day,
Hymning one triumphant song?--
"Worthy is the Lamb, once slain,
Blessing, honour, glory, power,
Wisdom, riches, to obtain,
New dominion every hour."

2 These through fiery trials trod;
These from great affliction came;
Now before the throne of God,
Seal'd with His Almighty Name:
Clad in raiment pure and white,
Victor-palms in every hand,
Through their dear Redeemer's might,
More than conquerors they stand.

3 Hunger, thirst, disease unknown,
On immortal fruits they feed;
Them, the Lamb amidst the throne,
Shall to living fountains lead;
Joy and gladness banish sighs;
Perfect love dispels all fears;
And for ever from their eyes,
God shall wipe away the tear.

Text Information
First Line: What are these in bright array
Meter: 7s. double.
Language: English
Publication Date: 1871
Tune Information
(No tune information)

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