215. Dear Saviour, if these lambs should stray

1 Dear Saviour, if these lambs should stray
From Thy secure enclosure's bound,
And, lured by worldly joys away,
Among the thoughtless crowd be found,

2 Remember still that they are Thine,
That Thy dear sacred Name they bear;
Think that the seal of love divine,
The sign of covenant grace, they wear.

3 In all their erring, sinful years,
O let them ne'er forgotten be;
Remember all the prayers and tears
Which made them consecrate to Thee.

4 And when these lips no more can pray,
These eyes can weep for them no more,
Turn Thou their feet from folly's way;
the wanderers to Thy fold restore.

Text Information
First Line: Dear Saviour, if these lambs should stray
Meter: L. M.
Language: English
Publication Date: 1871
Topic: The Sacraments: Baptism of Infants
Tune Information
(No tune information)

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