88. Friend of the Weary, O Refresh Us

1 Friend of the weary, O refresh us,
And turn to us Thy loving face,
With Thy sweet peace and pardon bless us,
That sin may be destroyed by grace;
O come, Thy sweet compassion showing,
On our poor souls Thy grace bestowing.

2 From Thee our only comfort cometh,
Our strength and hope, O Lord of all;
To Thee all power still belongeth
To save and help us in each fall;
Thy grace and pardon will deliver,
And set us free from shame forever.

3 As Thou didst help the sick and weary,
Who once were gathered at Thy side,
'Mid earthly deserts, waste and dreary,
In Thy sure aid we still confide;
When evils come our souls assailing,
Send us Thy Word of grace unfailing.


Text Information
First Line: Friend of the weary, O refresh us
Title: Friend of the Weary, O Refresh Us
Author: Ludwig Andreas Gotter
Publication Date: 1937
Tune Information
(No tune information)

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