444. Behold, by Sovereign Grace Alone

1 Behold, by sov'reign grace alone
Hath God the Father from His throne
Ordained our full salvation.
Unto the utmost ends of earth
The Sun of Mercy sendeth forth
His light to ev'ry nation.
The way of life is open, free,
O mortal man, to thee, to thee.

2 Thro' love alone His Son was sent
To bear the law's dread punishment
For all our dire transgression.
Our sins He bore, our guilt He owned,
For all our deeds His death atoned--
O bountiful possession!
His righteousness is full and free,
O sinful man, to thee, to thee.

3 For this o'erwhelming sacrifice
The Lord will nevermore despise
A contrite heart and spirit.
By Jesus' death, by Jesus' blood,
Full pleasing in the sight of God,
His mercy we inherit.
The fount of grace flows full and free,
O pardoned soul, for thee, for thee.

4 By faith alone, for Jesus' sake,
Each ransomed sinner may partake
Of His abounding merit.
If in His promise ye abide,
By faith shall ye be justified,
And blest with His free Spirit.
His righteousness the just shall own
By faith alone, by faith alone.


Text Information
First Line: Behold, by sov'reign grace alone
Title: Behold, by Sovereign Grace Alone
Author: Ernest W. Olson
Publication Date: 1937
Tune Information
(No tune information)

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