276. My Church! My Church!

1 My Church! my Church! my dear old Church!
My fathers’ and my own!
On prophets, and apostles built,
And Christ the cornerstone!
All else beside, by storm or tide,
May yet be overthrown;
But not my Church, my dear old Church,
My fathers’ and my own!

2 My Church! my Church! my dear old Church!
I love her ancient name;
And God forbid, a child of hers
Should ever do her shame!
Her mother-care I'll ever share;
Her child I am alone,
Till He who gave me to her arms
Shall call me to His own.

3 My Church! my Church! I love my Church,
For she doth lead me on
To Zion’s palace beautiful,
Where Christ my Lord hath gone.
From all below she bids me go
To Him, the Life, the Way,
The Truth to guide my erring feet
From darkness into day.

4 Then here, my Church! my dear old Church!
Thy child would add a vow,
To that whose token once was signed
Upon his infant brow:--
Assault who may, kiss and betray,
Dishonor and disown,
My Church shall yet be dear to me,
My fathers' and my own!


Text Information
First Line: My Church! my Church! my dear old Church!
Title: My Church! My Church!
Author: G. C. S. Book
Publication Date: 1937
Tune Information
(No tune information)

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