263. Be Not Dismayed, Thou Little Flock

1 Be not dismayed, thou little flock,
Although the foe's fierce battle shock
Loud on all sides, assail thee.
Though o'er thy fall they laugh secure,
Their triumph cannot long endure,
Let not thy courage fail thee.

2 Thy cause is God's--go at His call,
And to His hand commit thine all;
Fear thou no ill impending;
His Gideon shall arise for thee,
God's Word and people manfully,
In God's own time, defending.

3 Our hope is sure in Jesus' might;
Against themselves the godless fight,
Themselves, not us, distressing;
Shame and contempt their lot shall be;
God is with us, with Him are we;
To us belongs His blessing.


Text Information
First Line: Be not dismayed, thou little flock
Title: Be Not Dismayed, Thou Little Flock
Author: E. R. Charles
Author: Johann M. Altenburg
Publication Date: 1937
Tune Information
(No tune information)

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