254. Holy Spirit, Lord of Glory

1 Holy Spirit, Lord of glory,
Look on us Thy flock to-day;
Meekly kneeling at Thy footstool
For Thy sev'n-fold gifts we pray;
Guide us all our earthly journey
In the true and narrow way.

2 Foes on ev'ry hand are round us,
And our hearts are weak and frail;
Gird us with Thy heav'nly armor;
Never let us yield or quail;
Give us vict'ry in the struggle
When the hosts of sin assail.

3 Lead us by Thy guiding presence
Through the waste, with danger rife;
Feed us with the heavenly manna,
That we faint not in the strife;
Slake the thirst of weary spirits
From the living well of life.

4 Looking ever unto Jesus,
Leaning on His staff and rod,
May we follow in His footsteps,
Tread the path that He has trod,
Till we dwell with Him forever
In the Paradise with God.


Text Information
First Line: Holy Spirit, Lord of glory
Title: Holy Spirit, Lord of Glory
Author: Robert H. Baynes
Publication Date: 1937
Tune Information
(No tune information)

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