Text: | Blessed Jesus, Here We Stand |
Author: | Benjamin Schmolk |
1 Blessed Jesus, here we stand,
Met to do as Thou hast spoken;
And this child, at Thy command,
Now we bring to Thee in token
That to Thee it here is given;
For of such shall be Thy heaven.
2 Yes, Thy warning voice is plain,
And we would obey it duly:
He who is not born again,
Heart and life renewing truly,
Born of water and the Spirit,
Shall the kingdom ne'er inherit.
3 Therefore hasten we to Thee;
Take the pledge we bring, O take it!
Let us here Thy glory see,
And in tender pity make it
Now Thy child, and leave it never,
Thine of earth and Thine forever.
4 Make it, Lord, Thy member now;
Shepherd, take Thy lamb, and feed it;
Prince of Peace, its peace be Thou;
Way of life, to heaven lead it,
Vine, this branch may nothing sever,
Graft by faith in Thee forever.
5 Now upon Thy heart it lies,
What our hearts so dearly treasure:
Heavenward lead our burdened sighs,
Pour Thy blessing without measure;
Write the name we now have given--
Write it in the book of heaven.
Text Information | |
First Line: | Blessed Jesus, here we stand |
Title: | Blessed Jesus, Here We Stand |
Author: | Benjamin Schmolk |
Publication Date: | 1937 |