1 He liveth forever!
There's light o'er the grave:
Fulfilled hath the Saviour
The promise He gave.
With joy and salvation,
The Victor on earth,
'Mid heaven's adoration,
In glory comes forth.
The seal hath been broken, the stone rolled away,
The watchers have all fled in awe and dismay:
Hell itself is trembling. Hallelujah!
2 The victory was glorious,
Now darkness must flee;
The light was victorious,
And ever shall be.
Now death is o'erpowered,
And faith doth revive;
And hope on us showered,
And hearts made alive.
Ye sorrowing women, whom seek ye now here?
The Saviour now liveth! Allay then your fear:
Christ Jesus is risen. Hallelujah!
3 Thus earth was with heaven
Through Christ reconciled;
And joy shall be given
The penitent child.
Ye friends who once bended
Your heads 'neath the cross,
Rejoice! they are ended
Your sorrows and woes!
Thou scatteréd flock that for guidance dost yearn,
He liveth, thy Shepherd, to Him now return:
He guideth thee ever. Hallelujah!
4 'Mid foes that alarm us,
His church stands secure:
No evil can harm us,
His Word shall endure.
Lo! to all the nations,
To friend and to foe,
With courage and patience
His messengers go,
And tell of the Saviour who dies for our sin,
And rose from the dead, and now liveth again,
The first-fruits of glory. Hallelujah!
5 Believers befriended,
Why do ye lament?
The day is soon ended,
The night is soon spent.
The grace shall embrace you,
And you shall find rest;
The Saviour shall raise you,
To live and be blest.
He soweth the grain, and He cometh at last;
And truly the tares from the wheat He shall cast,
And gather the harvest. Hallelujah!
Text Information | |
First Line: | He liveth forever! |
Title: | He Liveth Forever! |
Author: | Franz Michael Franzen, 1772-1847 (1811) |
Meter: | 6 5, 6 5, 6 5, 6 5, 11 11 10. |
Language: | English |
Publication Date: | 1901 |
Topic: | Easter |
Notes: | Now Public Domain. |
Tune Information | |
Meter: | 6 5, 6 5, 6 5, 6 5, 11 11 10. |
Source: | Niels Jespersön's Gradual |
Notes: | Now Public Domain. |