1 Beneath the cross of Jesus
My soul bowed down with sin;
‘Twas there the Savior found me,
And there He took me in.
Beneath the cross, the blessed cross,
Where Jesus bled and died,
My soul has found a refuge sweet,
And there will I abide.
2 Beneath the cross of Jesus
My sins were washed away;
My garments died in crimson,
Where changed to white array.
There ‘neath the cross, the blessed cross,
I found the healing balm;
For ev’ry woe and ill of life,
In tempest or in calm.
3 Beneath the cross of Jesus
There’s healing now for thee;
The Savior longs, in mercy,
To cleanse and set you free.
‘Twas at the cross the Savior paid
Your ransom from the fall;
So cast your trophies at His feet
And crown Him lord of all.