Blow! blow! blow! Trumpet of jubilee!
Blow! blow! blow! Trumpet of jubilee!
Shout, ye children of salvation,
Saved from ev'ry tribe and nation.
Let the welkin ring! Shout aloud and sing!
Let the welkin, welkin ring!
Lift your voice, your voice and sing!
Shout hosannas, troubles all are past,
Joy eternal cometh on at last!
Sing! sing! Let the glad news ring!
Lift your heads and sing!
Join your voices, saints and angels!
Join today the glad evangel!
To your King lift your voice and sing,
O be glad, Never more be sad!
To your King lift your voice and sing,
O be glad, Never more be sad!
Jesus Christ doth come again,
The earth to judge and reign.
The earth to judge and reign.
Shout hosanna! Ring it out to all creation!
Shout hosanna! All ye saved of ev'ry nation!
Lift your heads, your hour of triumph has arrived at last!
Shout! the day of tribulation evermore is past.
Amen, Amen, Amen.