Text: | All praise to God the Father be |
Text: | Praise the God of all creation |
Text: | Laud and honor to the Father! |
Text: | Great Jehovah! we adore Thee |
Text: | O Father ever glorious |
Text: | To the great One in Three |
Text: | To Father, Son, and Spirit, ever blest |
Text: | By angels in heaven |
Text: | O Father Almighty, to Thee be address'd |
Text: | To Thee, O Unbegotten One |
Text: | Praise God from Whom all blessings flow |
Text: | To Father, Son and Holy Ghost |
Text: | To praise the Father, and the Son |
Text: | Praise to the Father be |
Text: | Praise the name of God Most High |
Text: | Father, God, Thy love we praise |
Text: | Praise the Father, earth and heaven |