1 O night of glory, when the angels sang,
When all the heav’ns with loud hosannas rang;
When with the flaming hosts the skies were bright,
And with their beams all the earth was light.
O night of glory, when the angels sang,
When all the heav’ns with loud hosannas rang;
When with the flaming hosts the skies were bright,
And with their beams all the earth was light.
Angels bright the chorus sang,
And all the heav’ns with loud hosannas rang;
Glad tidings to all people do thy bring
A Saviour’s born, glory to our King.
2 Sing on, ye angels, sound the tidings far,
Shine on in beauty, O thou guiding star;
Till nations yet unborn shall sing His praise,
And to their King loud hosannas raise.
Sing on, ye angels, sound the tidings far,
Shine on in beauty, O thou guiding star;
Till nations yet unborn shall sing His praise,
And to their King loud hosannas raise. [Chorus]