1 Thou who dost pity the sons of men,
Heal Thou the hurt of the world;
Live Thou with anguish-wrung souls again,
Heal Thou the hurt of the world.
Thou who didst walk where the stricken lay,
Healing the sick at the close of day,
Still with Thy stricken ones do Thou stay;
Heal Thou the hurt of the world.
Still with Thy stricken ones do Thou stay;
Heal Thou the hurt of the world.
2 Thou who didst kneel in the garden’s gloom,
Heal Thou the hurt of the world;
Give it not over to death and doom,
Heal Thou the hurt of the world.
Thou who didst make in our flesh above,
Thou who didst faint on the cross-tree road,
Lift from Thy children their crushing load;
Heal Thou the hurt of the world.
Lift from Thy children their crushing load;
Heal Thou the hurt of the world.