1 For his dear sake who carried
For you sin’s heavy load,
Who faltered not nor tarried,
On Calv’ry’s rugged road.
Take up thy cross and bear it,
Tho heavy it may be;
A Friend unseen will share it,
Thy Friend of Calvary.
For Jesus’ sake each burden bear,
For Jesus’ sake each duty dare;
Nor fear the lonely road to take,
In love, for Jesus’ sake.
2 For his dear sake who lifted
The load you could not bear;
Who stemmed the tides which drifted
To darkness and despair.
Fear not the heavy crosses
Which mark your earthly way;
He knows the pains and losses,
And shares them all today. [Chorus]
3 The sins of all the lowly,
Upon His head were laid;
The spotless one and holy,
Has full atonement made.
The sins He bore for others,
His sinless heart did break;
And we should bear, my brothers,
Some pain for Jesus’ sake. [Chorus]