38. O God, My Heart Hath Left This World

1 O God, my heart hath left this world;
Its joys are all as dross to me;
Since I have seen Thy wondrous love
My soul doth cling alone to Thee!

Christ is all this world to me;
Soon His glory I shall see;
And before I’d leave my Savior
I would give my life, and die!

2 Thou precious, living, loving Lord,
Who died for me on Calvary,
The love that wore for me the thorns
Hath won my heart away from me. [Refrain]

3 The pierced hands and bleeding side,
The blood sweat in Gethsemane,
The wand’ring sheep which Thou didst seek
Proclaim Thy love so full and free. [Refrain]

4 O Lord, fore’er to Thee I cling;
From hence Thou’rt all in all to me!
May I Thy pow’r and glory see
Till I shall rest in heav’n with Thee. [Refrain]

Text Information
First Line: O God, my heart hath left this world
Title: O God, My Heart Hath Left This World
Author: J. Gilchrist Lawson
Refrain First Line: Christ is all this world to me
Language: English
Publication Date: 1921
Topic: Solo
Tune Information
Name: [O God, my heart hath left this world]
Composer: Thoro Harris


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