1 Saviour, I come to Thee, my heart with sin defiled;
Heal me, and comfort me, a weak and weary child;
Long have I wandered in the paths of rayless night;
Thou canst the darkness cleave, and speak the dawning light.
Saviour of sinners, hear, O hear my humble prayer;
Low at Thy cross I lie; I can but perish there;
Thou who hast suffered, Thou wilt pity and forgive—
Speak, Lord, the word is Thine that bids the sinner live.
2 Give me a heart of glowing love, to trust Thy grace,
Give me a constant hope in heaven to see Thy face;
Give me an earnest zeal to do Thy holy will,
Give me the strength to bear, Thy purpose to fulfill. [Refrain]