1 Blessed Hope of my salvation,
Keep Thou me;
In the hour of sore temptation,
Keep Thou me;
With Thine eye, O Lord, behold me,
In Thine arm of mercy fold me;
Blessed Hope of my salvation,
Keep Thou me.
2 From the joy my heart deceiving,
Keep Thou me
From the care my spirit grieving,
Keep Thou me;
In Thy truth abiding ever,
In Thy love that changes never,
Blessed Rock of my Salvation,
Keep Thou me.
3 When the silver cord is breaking,
Keep Thou me;
When my soul to life is waking,
Keep Thou me;
When I rise from grace to glory,
And proclaim Thy joyful story,
Blessed Hope of my salvation,
Keep Thou me.