1 Cares of earth shall no more weary,
In the morning, in the morning;
And our path no more be dreary,
In the morning, in the morning.
Then the eyes now sad with weeping,
And the heart’s long vigil keeping,
Shall the fruit of love be reaping,
In the morning, in the morning.
2 Glorious sunlight will be gleaming,
In the morning, in the morning;
Heav’n with pleasures will be teeming,
In the morning, in the morning.
Friends of yore will gather round us,
And renew the ties that bound us,
In the morning, in the morning.
3 With the hand of Jesus leading,
In the morning, in the morning;
Where there’ll be no anxious pleading,
In the morning, in the morning.
Glad hosannas we’ll be singing,
Till the arch of heaven is ringing,
With the praises we are bringing,
In the morning, in the morning.