1 If you have a work to do,
Wait not till tomorrow;
Putting off from day to day
Brings but care and sorrow.
Let no short but precious hour
Pass you by unheeded,
But while time is given you
Do the work that’s needed.
2 When you have the golden chance,
Help some needy brother;
For each blessing you bestow
God will give another.
Freely give of ev’ry good
God to you has given;
And upon you He will shower
Choicest gifts from heaven.
3 Whatsoe’er you find to do
For yourself or neighbor,
Do it now, no other time
Is there giv’n for labor.
And when toil and cares are o’er,
Earthly ties shall sever;
You shall hear the welcome word,
“Come and rest forever.”