1 He giveth songs by day;
And when departing light
Has shrouded all the earth in gloom,
He giveth songs by night;
How tender is His care,
How wondrous is His love,
Who blesses each with a foretaste
Of heav’nly bliss above.
2 He giveth songs by day;
He giveth songs by night;
And hearts are cheered and tears are changed
To rivers of delight;
The gloom upon the earth,
The darkness on the sky,
Are dissipated by the light
Descending from on high.
3 He giveth songs by night,
As stars upon the sky,
That pierce the darkness and reveal
The brighter worlds on high;
So shine the beams of love
In sorrow’s darkest night
To those who lift their eyes above
To their diviner light.