784. By the Waters of Babylon (Psalm 137)

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By the waters, the waters of Babylon,
we sat down and wept, and wept for Zion.
We remember, we remember, we remember Zion.

Text Information
First Line: By the waters, the waters of Babylon
Title: By the Waters of Babylon (Psalm 137)
Meter: Irregular
Language: English
Publication Date: 2013
Scripture: ;
Topic: Healing; Lament
Tune Information
Meter: Irregular
Key: b minor
Source: Jewish melody
Notes: May be sung as a canon

Text Information:

This canonic setting of a paraphrase of Psalm 137:1 gains much of its power from simple but profound patterns, especially the first two lines that descend like vocal tears. By contrast the phrases of the final line move upward, affirming that memory rebuilds what has fallen.

Audio recording: Audio (MP3)

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