1 Oh, haste to the Saviour today!
He tenderly bids you to come;
He lovingly shows you the way,
And points to the heavenly home.
‘Tis sin that has blinded your sight,
That hides Him away from your view,
He only restores you to light—
The Saviour is calling for you!
2 Oh, haste to the Saviour today!
And bathe in the life-giving flood;
Come, cast all your doubting away,
And trust in the pow’r of His blood.
‘Tis sin that forbids you to hear,
But Jesus your will can renew;
Oh, come, while He’s waiting so near,
And tenderly calling for you!
3 Oh, haste to the Saviour today!
How sweetly He speaks in His word,
And bids you no longer delay,
But come to your dear, loving Lord.
Oh, hasten His sweet voice to hear,
And humbly before Him to bow,
While still He is waiting so near;—
For Jesus is calling you now!