1. Teach us to pray, O God, our King,
As Jesus taught his own;
Help us Thy love and grace to sing,
Until we reach the heav'nly throne.
The prayer our Saviour bids us say,
"Our Father," words so sweet,
May we repeat it day by day,
Till Christ and Christian meet.
Until He come and take us home,
Be this our prayer: Amen.
2. Our Father, who in heaven art,
All hallow'd be Thy name;
Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done
In heav'n and earth always the same.
Give us this day our daily bread,
And pardon all our sin;
And in temptation leave us not,
May we o'er evil win.
Thine be the kingdom and the power,
And endless praise: Amen.