1 Would you haste today, O Christian, on the errands of the King?
Linger not for time is passing, precious hours are taking wing;
There are tidings, blessed tidings you today may gladly bring,
Then, O Christian, to your trust be true.
O Christian to your trust be true!
The fate of souls depends on you!
There are tidings of the King you today may gladly bring,
Then, O Christian, to your trust be true.
2 O how many souls are wand’ring in the darkness of the night,
Haste, O Christian, lead them gently unto Christ, who is the light!
Walking ever in His presence, thou shalt guided be aright,
Then, O Christian, to your trust be true. [Refrain]
3 O how sweet ‘twill be at evening with the setting of the sun,
When life’s battles all are ended and life’s work at last is done;
If some one to you shall say, “To Jesus Christ my heart was won
By your life unto its trust so true.” [Refrain]