1 We all believe in one true God,
Maker of the earth and heaven,
The Father, who to us in love
Hath the claim of children given;
He in soul and body feeds us,
All we want His hand provides us,
Through all snares and perils leads us
Watches that no harm betides us;
He cares for us by day and night,
All things are governed by His might.
2 And we believe in Jesus Christ,
His own Son, our Lord, possessing
An equal Godhead, throne and might,
Through whom comes the Father's blessing:
Conceived of the Holy Spirit,
Born of Mary, virgin-mother,
That lost man might life inherit,
Made true man, our Elder Brother,
Was crucified for sinful men,
And raised by God to life again.
3 We in the Holy Ghost believe,
Who sweet grace and comfort giveth,
And with the Father and the Son
In eternal glory liveth;
Who the Christian Church doth even
Keep in unity of spirit;
Sins are truly here forgiven
Through the blest Redeemer's merit;
All flesh shall rise again, and we
Shall live with God eternally; Amen.
Text Information | |
First Line: | We all believe in one true God |
Meter: | 8s 101 |
Language: | English |
Publication Date: | 1918 |
Topic: | Catechism |
Notes: | Public Domain. |