1 God, who madest earth and heaven,
Father, Son, and Holy Ghost;
Who the day and night hast given,
Sun and moon and starry host;
Thou whose mighty hand sustains
Earth and all that it contains.
2 Praise to Thee my soul shall render,
Who this night hast guarded me;
My omnipotent Defender,
Who from ill dost set me free,
Free from danger, anguish, woe,
Free from the infernal Foe.
3 Let the night of my transgression
With night's darkness pass away;
Jesus, into Thy possession
I resign myself to-day;
In Thy wounds I find relief
From my greatest sin and grief.
4 Grant that I may rise this morning
From the lethargy of sin,
So my soul, through Thy adorning,
Shall be glorious within;
And I at the judgment day
Shall not be a cast-away.
5 Let my life and conversation
Be directed by Thy Word;
Lord, Thy constant preservation
To Thine erring child afford;
Nowhere but alone in Thee
From all harm can I be free.
6 Wholly to Thy blest protection
I commit my heart and mind.
Mighty God! to Thy direction
Wholly I may be resigned.
Lord, my Shield, my Light divine,
O accept and own me Thine!
7 Lord, to me Thine angel sending,
Keep me from the subtle Foe;
From his craft and might defending,
Never let Thy wanderer go,
Till my final rest shall come,
And Thine angel bear me home.