1 O LORD our Father, thanks to Thee
In this new year we render,
For Thou hast been from misery
And dangers our Defender;
Through all the year that now has fled
Hast given us life and daily bread,
And peace within our borders.
2 Lord Jesus Christ, our thanks to Thee
In this new year we render,
For Thou still rulest zealously
Thy fold, with mercy tender;
Thou hast redeemed us with Thy blood,
Thou art our only Trust and Good,
In life and death our Saviour.
3 Lord Holy Ghost, our thanks to Thee
In this new year we render,
For by Thy grace it is that we
enjoy Thy Word's pure splendor;
Thus Thou hast kindled from above
Within our hearts true faith and love,
And other Christian virtues.
4 Our faithful God, we cry to Thee:
Still bless us with Thy favor;
Blot out all our iniquity,
And hide our sins forever;
Grant us a happy, good New Year,
And when the hour of death draws near,
A blest departure. Amen.
Text Information | |
First Line: | O Lord our Father, thanks to Thee |
Meter: | Iambic, 8, 7. |
Language: | English |
Publication Date: | 1893 |
Topic: | New Year |
Notes: | Now Public Domain. A. Crull, Tr.; German: Herr Gott Vater, wir preisen dich - M. C. Schneegas, 1595 |