1 When on the cross the Savior hung,
And that sore load that on Him weighed
With bitter pangs His nature wrung,
Seven words amid His pain He said:
O let them well to heart be laid!
2 "Father, forgive these men," He spake,
"For lo! they know not what they do;
Nor of my sufferings vengeance take!"
And when we sin in weakness, too,
For us, dear Lord, this prayer renew!
3 He thought upon the thief, and said,--
"Thou shalt behold my Paradise
With me, ere yet this day be fled."
Lord, see us too with pitying eyes,
And raise us from our miseries!
4 His mother stood beside Him there;
"Behold thy son! And let her find
A son, O John, in thy true care."
Lord, care for those we leave behind,
Nor let the world prove all unkind!
5 Once more He saith:--"I thirst, I thirst!"
O Prince of Life! that we might be
Rescued from death, Thou dar'st the worst.
So dost Thou long to set us free!
Not fruitless be that thirst in Thee!
6 Again, "My God, My God," He cried,
"Ah why dost Thou forsake me thus?"
Thou art forsaken at this tide,
To win acceptance, Lord, for us;
O comfort deep and marvellous!
7 He saith--"Lo! it is finished now!"
Savior, thy perfect work is done!
O make us faithful, Lord, as Thou,
No trial and no cross to shun,
Till all Thou lay'st on us be done.
8 At last,--"My Father, to Thine hands
My parting soul I now commend."
Lord, when my spirit trembling stands
Upon life's verge, this cry I send
To Thee, and with Thy words I end.
9 Whoso shall ponder oft these words
When long-past sins his soul alarm,
Shall find the hope Thy cross accords,
And in Thy grace a healing balm
That brings the wounded conscience calm.
10 Lord Jesus Christ, who diedst for us,
This one thing grant us evermore;
To ponder o'er thy passion thus,
Till truer, deeper than before,
We learn to love Thee and adore!
Text Information | |
First Line: | When on the cross the Savior hung |
Language: | English |
Publication Date: | 1895 |
Topic: | The Church Year: Passion |
Notes: | Now Public Domain. Author from Index: J. Zwick— Winkworth; Hymn from the German Text: Da Jesus an des Kreuzesstamm |