1 Of my life the life, O Jesus!
Of my death the death also;
Who hast giv'n Thyself to ease us
From our load of guilt and woe:
By Thy death our ransom buying,
And preserving us from dying,
Thousand, thousand thanks to Thee,
Blessed Jesus, ever be!
2 O what cruel provocations,
Scourges of the tongue and rod,
Spitting, shame, and accusations,
Hast Thou borne, thou Son of God!
To redeem my soul from evil,
And the bondage of the devil,
Thousand, thousand thanks to Thee,
Blessed Jesus, ever be!
3 Thou didst let Thyself be beaten
To deliver me from pain;
Falsely charged, and sorely smitten,
That Thy loss might be my gain.
Thou hast suffered crucifixion
For my comfort in affliction:
Thousand, thousand thanks to Thee,
Blessed Jesus, ever be!
4 For my proud and haughty spirit
Thy humiliation paid;
For my death Thy death and merit
Have a full atonement made:
Thy reproaches and dishonor
all have tended to my honor:
Thousand, thousand thanks to Thee,
Blessed Jesus, ever be!
5 From the heart, I thank Thee, Jesus,
For the vast, stupendous load,
Which Thou bearest to release us
From the dreadful wrath of God:
For Thy cruel death and passion,
Agony and sore temptation,
For Thy sharp and bitter pain,
Thanks forever, Lord, Amen!