1 Where shall we go to seek and find
An habitation for our God,
A dwelling for th' eternal Mind
Among the sons of flesh and blood!
2 The God of Jacob chose the hill
Of Zion for his antient rest;
And Zion is his dwelling still,
His church is with his presence blest.
3 "Here I will fix my gracious throne,
"And reign forever, saith the Lord;
"Here shall my power and love be known,
"And blessings shall attend my word.
4 "Here will I meet the hungry poor,
"And fill their souls with living bread;
"Sinners that wait before my door
"With sweet provisions shall be fed.
5 "Girded with truth, and cloth'd with grace
"My priests, my ministers shall shine;
"Not Aaron in his costly dress
"Appears so glorious and divine.
6 "The saints, unable to contain
"Their inward joys, shall shout and sing,
"The son of David here shall reign,
"And Zion triumph in her King.
7 "Jesus shall see a numerous seed
"Born here t' uphold his glorious name;
"His crown shall flourish on his head,
"While all his foes are cloth'd with shame."
Text Information | |
First Line: | Where shall we go to seek and find |
Title: | At the Settlement of a Church; or, The Ordination of a Minister |
Meter: | Long Metre |
Language: | English |
Publication Date: | 1790 |
Scripture: | ; |
Topic: | Christ: his Kingdom among Gentiles; Church: gathered and settled; Church: God's presence there(3 more...) |
Notes: | Now Public Domain. |