1 Hail sovereign love! that first began
The scheme to rescue fallen man!
Hail matchless free, eternal grace,
That gave my soul a hiding place.
2 Against the God that built the sky,
I fought, with hands uplifted high;
Despis'd the mansions of his grace,
Too proud to seek a hiding place.
3 Enwrapt in dark Egyptian night,
And fond of darkness, more that light,
Madly I ran the sinful race,
Secure without a hiding place!
4 But lo! th' eternal council rang,
Almighty love arrests the man;
I felt the arrows of distress,
And found I had no hiding place!
5 Vindictive justice stood in view,
To Sinai's fi'ry mount I flew;
But justice cry'd with frowning face,
This mountain is no hiding place!
6 But lo! a heav'nly voice I heard,
And mercy's angel soon appear'd:
He lead me on a pleasing pace,
To Jesus Christ, my hiding place.
7 Should sev'n fold storms of vengeance roll,
And shake this globe from pole to pole;
No thunder-bolt shall daunt my face,
Whilst Jesus is my hiding place!
8 On him almighty vengeance fell,
Which else had sunk a world to hell:
He bore it for his chosen race,
And thus became a hiding place!
9 Roll on thou sun in rapid haste,
And bring me to that constant feast,
Where mirthful songs of sov'reign grace,
Are sung to him the hiding place.