LXXVI | Divine Hymns or Spiritual Songs, for the use of religious assemblies and private Christians#LXXVII | LXXVIII |
Text: | The Fair Mansions |
1 We in this tabernacle mourn,
For immortality;
Burden'd with sin we daily groan,
And long to be set free.
2 We view this world not as our home,
But sojourn in a vale;
We seek a city yet to come,
Where joy shall never fail.
3 We have an house above the sky,
In heav'n's unmeasur'd space;
Where we shall dwell eternally,
To see our Savior's face.
4 Roll on, roll on our peaceful years,
And bring our souls to rest;
Where troubles end, and doubts and fears,
No more disturb our breast.
5 Then we shall bid a long farewell,
To all those fleeting things;
Our clay is earth we leave to dwell,
To mount on sacred wings.
6 Swifter than thought we soar on high,
Above those twinkling stars;
Pass through the regions of the sky,
And all those rolling spheres.
7 The sun ere long will disappear,
And sinners feel their loss;
While we ascend through yielding air,
And steer th' eternal course.
8 Now winged time is known no more,
Eternity begins!
Our souls have gain'd the heav'nly shore,
And view th' amazing scenes.
9 Their songs begin to sound so sweet,
Our raptur'd souls on fire,
To bow around our Savior's feet,
And join the heav'nly choir.
10 Unnumber'd years shall gently roll,
And each increase their bliss;
When God shall say unto each soul,
Come dwell where Jesus is.
11 Then will your blessed Jesus come,
And bid the dead arise;
And call his weary'd children home,
To mansions in the skies.
12 Where sin and sorrow all shall cease,
And tears be wip'd away;
And nothing shall disturb our peace,
To one eternal day.
Text Information | |
First Line: | We in this tabernacle mourn |
Title: | The Fair Mansions |
Language: | English |
Publication Date: | 1802 |
Notes: | Now Public Domain. |