CXXVIII | Divine Hymns or Spiritual Songs, for the use of religious assemblies and private Christians#CXXIX | CXXX |
1 My soul doth magnify the Lord,
My spirit doth rejoice
In God my Savior and my God,
I hear his joyful voice.
2 I need not go abroad for joy,
Who have a feast at home;
My sighs are turned into songs,
The comforter is come.
3 Down from above, the blessed dove
Is come into my breast,
To witness God's eternal love;
This is my heavenly feast.
4 This makes me Abba Father cry,
With confidence of soul;
It makes me cry, my Lord, my God,
And that without controul.
5 There is a stream which issues forth
From God's eternal throne,
And from the Lamb, a living stream,
Clear as the chrystal stone.
6 The streams do water paradise,
It makes the angels sing:
One cordial drop revives my heart,
Hence all my joys do spring.
7 Such joys as are unspeakable,
And full of glory too;
Such hidden manna, hidden pearls,
As worldlings do not know.
8 Eye hath not seen, nor ear hath heard,
From fancy 'tis conceal'd,
What thou, Lord, hast laid up for thine,
And hast to me reveal'd.
9 I see thy face, I hear thy voice,
I taste thy sweetest love;
My soul doth leap: But O for wings,
The wings of Noah's dove.
10 Then should I flee, far hence away,
Leaving this world of sin:
Then should my Lord put forth his hand,
And kindly take me in.
11 Then should my soul with angels feast,
On joys that always last;
Bless'd be my God, the God of joy,
Who gives me here a taste.
Text Information | |
First Line: | My soul doth magnify the Lord |
Title: | Joy in the Holy Ghost |
Language: | English |
Publication Date: | 1802 |
Notes: | Now Public Domain. |