1 Asham'd of Christ, my soul disdains
The mean ungenerous thought;
Shall I disown that friend whose blood
To man salvation brought?
2 With the glad news of love and peace,
From heav'n to earth he came;
For us endur'd the painful cross,
For us despis'd the shame.
3 At his command we must take up
Our cross without delay;
Our lives, and thousands lives like ours,
His love can ne'er repay.
4 Each faithful sufferer Jesus views
With infinite delight;
Their lives to him are dear, their deaths
Are precious in his sight.
5 To bear his name, his cross to bear!
Our highest honor this!
Who nobly suffers now for him,
Shall reign with him in bliss.
6 But should we in the evil day,
From our profession fly,
Jesus the judge, before the world,
The traitor will deny.
Text Information | |
First Line: | Asham'd of Christ, my soul disdains |
Title: | Self-denial; or taking up the Cross |
Language: | English |
Publication Date: | 1800 |
Scripture: | ; |
Notes: | Now Public Domain. |