1 Come sinners now approach your God,
With new melodious songs;
Behold the treasures of his blood,
Have cleans'd a num'rous throng.
2 See Jesus stand with open arms,
Inviting you to come;
Hear how his mercy sweetly charms,
And tells you there is room.
3 "But hark! methinks I hear you say,
"I'm an unworthy soul,
"I've sinn'd my day of grace away,
"I hear his thunders roll.
4 "My sins are of a crimson dye,
"And I'm a captive led;
"Can such a sinful soul as I,
"Be from this bondage freed?
5 "Now I deserve the lowest hell,
"Who spurn'd his offer'd grace;
"And tempting others to rebel,
"Provok'd him to his face."
6 Stop trembling soul and hear me tell
The wonders of his love;
He snatch'd me from the brink of hell,
And rais'd my soul above.
7 Hark! hear the blessed Jesus say,
"Poor soul you need not doubt;
"The soul that will come unto me,
"I'll in no wise cast out."
8 If ever any trembling soul,
That unto Jesus come,
Had e'er been banish'd or cast off,
I must have been the one.
9 But God has mercy yet in store,
For all that will believe;
You need not fear because you're poor,
That he will you deceive.
10 Come now and take him at his word,
He will not angry be;
Put your whole trust in Christ the Lord,
And he will set you free.
Text Information | |
First Line: | Come sinners now approach your God |
Title: | Invitation to sin sick souls to come to Jesus for relief |
Language: | English |
Publication Date: | 1800 |
Notes: | Now Public Domain. |