134. The Remembrance of Christ in the Supper

1 Christ, in that night he was betray'd,
Took bread, gave thanks, it brake and said,
My broken body here you see,
Take, eat it and remember me.

2 Thus also he the cup did take;
Here's sealing blood, shed for your sake,
Which doth my test'ment ratify;
Let all drink and remember me.

3 Your pardon, with what's for your good,
Is purchas'd with my dearest blood;
My blood to you makes pardon free;
In drinking then remember me.

4 For hungry souls here's manna rare,
God sends from heaven for your fare;
This manna falls now plenteously;
In eating then remember me.

5 Here God sits on a throne of grace,
Where sinful men may see his face;
My blood procures your access free;
In drinking then remember me.

6 See here the tree of life, with fruit,
And leaves which heal, and strength recruit;
These I shake down, poor soul, to thee;
Eat freely, and remember me.

7 See Jacob's ladder here set up,
A covenanting God at top;
Climb, and God will transact with thee;
In doing this remember me.

8 Hence runs, of life the river pure,
Which our souls' wounds doth cleanse and cure;
It freely runs to all, you see;
Drink by faith and remember me.

Text Information
First Line: Christ, in that night he was betray'd
Title: The Remembrance of Christ in the Supper
Language: English
Publication Date: 1800
Tune Information
(No tune information)

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